The Mountain House Print
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 08 January 2009 06:41

An old Chinese tale of the mountain house goes thus……..alt

Long…….long ago there lived a family of four; father, mother, a son and a daughter. They had a house on the mountain; the backyard was very close to the mountain as the house was located somewhere on the middle of the climb. The sons bedroom faced the mountain. The daughter’s bedroom faced the valley, a sudden drop and scary view of the valley. The family consulted a Feng Shui master because they faced a unique problem. Their son suffered from a mental block and could not progress in life; he lacked confidence. The daughter faced a different problem; she was timid, afraid and felt extremely insecure. The wise master assessed the problem and suggested they plant bamboo in the backyard; as bamboo plants grow rapidly. He further suggested they build a fence made of horizontal logs of wood right in front of the daughter’s bedroom window. In a few months the family observed a striking change in the children. The boy was cheerful and began planning his future; while the girl was more confident and no longer fearful. The master then explained the corrections to the family in his following visit. According to him; the up close view of the mountain was Yin; making the boy dull and lacking in enthusiasm; planting the bamboo there made the place Yang, making the boy more joyful. The fence in front of the girl’s window created a barrier between the room and the valley view. This reduced the insecurity she faced earlier; making her more confident and fearless. We gather from this tale that sometimes unassuming disturbances in our surroundings can cause lots of difficulties for us.
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Last Updated on Friday, 27 March 2009 07:07