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Healing With Balance! Online Feng Shui Consultants PDF Print E-mail
Written by Anuradha   
Saturday, 07 July 2007 09:54

“Healing With Balance” is an online Window for Feng Shui Consultancy and a friendly helpline for problem solutions.

 ‘Feng Shui’ is an ‘Ancient Chinese Art of Placement’.
The principles of Feng Shui touch upon space and time, you can apply it to a person, relationships, career, home and plot of land, food or so many other aspects or issues.

Feng Shui has time tested base of theories which include:

The Theory of Five Elements, the theory of Five Celestial Animals, Land Forms, Flying Stars, Ba-Gua, Compass School, Black Hat Feng Shui and so on……

It essentially aims at harnessing the vital life force energy called ‘Chi’ to cleanse, heal and enhance the environment. It brings about magical transformation in living spaces and lives with the use of placement, symbolism, color art and designs.
The Four Pillars of Destiny, Nine-Ki-Astrology and various other branches cover a vast spectrum of living.



 The Theory of Five Elements

The Creative/Control Cycle of Elements:

The Five basic Elements are represented by Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal. These elements should not be confused to literally symbolize the elements but rather to simply understand the feel of energy in the natural process of creation, destruction or control. They make the understanding easier. More

Chinese Astrology

Chinese Astrology is one of the most popular tools to assess ones personality traits. Some interesting revelations are listed as per your year of birth below. Any trait even if a good one can become negative if taken to extremes. Remember it’s all about balance. More

Short Story/ The Wise Teacher

Once in a village, there lived a very rich man. He had an only son whom he loved dearly. He was very protective of him and helped him in every way to establish his business; but whatever he tried he got little or no success. As days passed.......More

101 Feng Shui Cures
1.    You can use water bowl with salt, flowers and a single floating to enhance career and ward off negativities in the North.

2.    A sizeable picture of a water body, a pathway, or water fountain in the North can make way for good things to flow your way.

3.    A Metal bell tied to the door knob or bells hung from the inside of your main door bring good luck.

Peace Wallpaper


0608mitch   |27.110.229.xxx |2010-11-03 20:32:34
hello,pls help me about how to hav lucky apartment..since i had move here in my
new apartment,i noticed that my financial is not good here and also my business
not going better..i think,its becoz every doors here are facing each other..what
should i do to hav good flow of financial and happy family and good health..
thnx and more power..
bhing-bhing   |120.28.99.xxx |2011-06-28 16:41:33
hi please i need feng shui clarification:
our bathroom ceiling before is
cemented roofing and as i renovated our house..our new roof is s higher than the
ceiling of the bathroom that covers the netire cemented roof.
i tend not to
break the cemented roof of our bathroom but instead i used it as a stockroom in
the ceiling.
one of my neighbors told me that it is bad to cover the cemented
roof by an another new roof..how true? please i need your advice.

thank you.
Adriantoth  - Interesting     |117.254.179.xxx |2019-03-26 16:15:14
When one get holds of a higher teaching they increase their life span
earning likely clearly. Valid thought is highly sought after by most
of the modern world and is well rewarded, for case; many rule jobs in
Usa require a single level to obtain and a Masters to progress. Board jobs
are just a small case (about 7% of the total workforce) but are widely
valued as being very stable and having great profits.

said teaching also has a curse. It is very hard to hold on to common
beliefs when one obtains a teaching and this can lead to a great deal of
stress, this stress can result in many checkup and mental issues. It
can also cause money hardship that, based on your thrift, could take the
rest of your life to pay off. Stress and fiscal hardship can cause
people members and links issues that could closely shred your life leaving
you a lo...
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Last Updated on Thursday, 13 August 2009 07:28